The Tor status icon ([[!img lib/symbolic/tor-disconnected.png alt="Tor status menu" link="no" class="symbolic"]] or [[!img lib/symbolic/tor-connected.png alt="Tor status menu" link="no" class="symbolic"]]) provides a shortcut to *Onion Circuits*, which allows you to manage the Tor circuits being used by Tails.
<div class="tip"> <p>Your screen will automatically lock after some time if you have set up an administration password. To disable this behavior, execute the following command in a terminal:</p>
<!-- XXX: Opting to use #files instead of #nautilus because #files is linked to from wiki/src/doc/advanced_topics/internal_hard_disk.mdwn --> <h1 id="files">The <span class="application">Files</span>browser</h1>