[[!img tor.png link="no" class="svg" alt="A Tor connection goes through 3 relays with the last one establishing the actual connection to the final destination"]]
If Tails fails to synchronize the clock because you have to sign in to the network using a captive portal, an error screen is displayed that helps you do so.
<p>Tails uses the [[default <i>obfs4</i> bridges from <i>Tor Browser</i>|https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser-build/-/blob/main/projects/tor-expert-bundle/pt_config.json?ref_type=heads]].</p>
<ul> <li>Allowing you to request a bridge from Tails by solving a CAPTCHA. ([[!tails_ticket 15331]])</li> <li>Supporting <i>snowflake</i> bridges. ([[!tails_ticket 5494]])</li> </ul>
To view the list of Tor circuits that are used by your different applications, click on the Tor status iconand choose **View Tor Circuits**. Learn more about [[managing Tor circuits|circuits]].