The<span class="guilabel">Network Map</span> feature displays information about the available Tor relays and your establishedapplication">Onion Circuits</span> displays information about the current Tor circuits and connections:.
To open **Onion Circuits**, click on the Tor status icon ([[!img lib/symbolic/tor-disconnected.png alt="Tor status menu" link="no" class="symbolic"]] or [[!img lib/symbolic/tor-connected.png alt="Tor status menu" link="no" class="symbolic"]]) in the top-right corner and choose **View Tor Circuits**.
If Tailsis already [[connected to the Tor network|doc/anonymous_internet/tor]], a list of Tor circuits appears in the left pane of *Onion Circuits*.
<!-- Note for translators: the entry guards in use when you take the screenshot onion-circuits.png is in a position to identify you. You might prefer to leave it untranslated.-->
<!-- Note for translators: the entry guards in use when you take the screenshot onion-circuits.png is in a position to identify you. You might prefer to leave it untranslated. -->
In the bottom pane, there is a list of the [[circuits|about/warning#exit_node]] established by Tor.When you connect to a destination server, for example, when visiting a website, the connection appears in the list below the circuit it uses.
Each Tor circuit is made of 3 Tor relays. In the example above, the connection to **** goes through the 3 relays **drk**, **kicka**, and **Quetzalcoatl**.
Tor uses only 2 different relays as your entry guards, as a way of [protecting against *end-to-end correlation* attacks](
[[!img doc/anonymous_internet/tor/tor.png link="no" alt="Schematics of a connection to Tor with the client, the 3 relays, and the destination server."]]