Debian and its derivatives are [the most popular Linux distributions on web servers]( across the Internet.
The Debian project is coordinated over the Internet by a team of volunteers whose work is entirely public. All this makes Debian one of the Free Software projects under the most scrutiny by security researchers.
Tails is made by the Tor Project, the same organization that makes the Tor software and *Tor Browser*.
[Tor]( is the best anonymity network available. TorTor has partnered with leading research institutions and has been subjected to intensive academic research. Tor has received awards from institutions such as the [EFF]( and the [Free Software Foundation]( Even the NSA qualified Tor as "[the King of high secure, low latency Internet Anonymity]("
Tor has partnered with leading research institutions and has been subjected to intensive academic research. Tor has received awards from institutions such as the [EFF]( and the [Free Software Foundation]( Even the NSA qualified Tor as "[the King of high secure, low latency Internet Anonymity]("