If you experience this problem, you can try to [[disable MAC address anonymization|doc/first_steps/welcome_screen/mac_spoofing]] that sometimes fixes it.
You can try to [[add the following boot options when starting Tails|doc/advanced_topics/boot_options]] until you find a combination that works for you. The exact combination of options that works depends on the computer:
Some Broadcom Wi-Fi interfaces require the [`wl`](https://wiki.debian.org/wl) driver, provided by the `broadcom-sta-dkms` Debian package, to work in Tails.
Your device requires the `wl` driver if it is in the list of devices supported by the `broadcom-sta-dkms` package on the corresponding [Debian wiki page](https://wiki.debian.org/wl). If you find your device in the list of supported devices, then it is impossible to use your Wi-Fi card in Tails.