We had users ask for LXDE, XFCE, MATE, KDE, and so on, but we are not going to change desktop. According to us, the main drawback of GNOMEis that it requires quite a lot of resources to work properly, but it has many advantages.The GNOME Desktop is:
We are not proposing several desktop environments to choose from because we want to [[limit the amount of software included in Tails|faq#new-software]].
If it were possible to use the same USB stick with another operating system, for example to store files to use on Windows, a virus in the other operating system could corrupt your Tails.
To store files in your TailsUSB stick, use the [[Persistent Storage|doc/persistent_storage]]. To exchange files between Tailsand another operating system, use a separate USB stick.
No. Those installation methods are unsupported. They might not work at all, or worse: they might seem to work, but produce a USB stick that does *not* behave like Tails should. Follow the [[download and installation documentation|install]] instead.