[[!img desktop/accessibility.png link="no" alt="Universal Access class="screenshot" alt="Accessibility menu with the following options, all (disabled by default): High Contrast, Zoom, Large Text, Screen Reader, Screen Keyboard, Visual Alters, Sticky Keys, Slow Keys, Bounce Keys, and Mouse Keys"]]
[[!img desktop/accessibility.png link="no" class="screenshot" alt="Accessibility menu with the following options, all disabled by default: High Contrast, Zoom, Large Text, Screen Reader, Screen Keyboard, Visual Alters, Sticky Keys, Slow Keys, Bounce Keys, and Mouse Keys"]]
These technologies are documented in more details in the[GNOME universal access documentationHelp: Accessibility](https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/a11y.html).
To hear screen elements spoken to you, turn on the **Screen Reader** from the accessibility menu ([[!img lib/accessibility.png alt="" class="symbolic" link="no"]]).
If you prefer a pointing device over the keyboard, turn on the **Screen Keyboard** from the accessibility menu ([[!img lib/accessibility.png alt="" class="symbolic" link="no"]]).