<p>If a software is not included in Tails, but is included in Debian, you can use the [[aAdditionals Software|doc/first_steps/persistenct_storage/configure#additional_software]] feature of the pPersistent volumStorage to install it automatically at the beginning of each working session.every time you start Tails.</p>
<div class="next"> <ul> <li>[[Warnings about persistence|doc/first_steps/persistence/warnings#index3h1]]</li> <li>[[Browsing the web with Iceweasel|doc/anonymous_internet/Tor_browser]]</li> <li>[[Can I hide the fact that I am using Tails?|doc/about/fingerprint/Browsing the web with <span class="application">Tor Browser</span>|doc/anonymous_internet/Tor_browser]]</li> </ul> </div>
" file was changed. a year ago