3<p>The vulnerabilities described below were identified during an external security audit by 4<a href="https://www.radicallyopensecurity.com/">Radically Open Security5</a> and disclosed responsibly to our team. We are not aware of these attacks being used against Tails users until now.6</p>
7<p>These vulnerabilities can only be exploited by a powerful attacker who has already exploited another vulnerability to take control of an application in Tails.8</p>
9<p>If you want to be extra careful and used Tails a lot since January 9 without upgrading, we recommend that you do a [[manual upgrade|upgrade/#manual]] instead of an automatic upgrade.0</p>
In Tails 6.10 or earlier, an attacker who has already taken control of an application in Tails could then exploit a vulnerability in *Tails Upgrader* to install a malicious upgrade and permanently take control of your Tails.
In Tails 6.10 or earlier, an attacker who has already taken control of an application in Tails could then exploit vulnerabilities in other applications that might lead to deanonymization or the monitoring of browsing activity: