When digital security tools are too complicated to use, people make mistakes that compromise their security or simply give up and fall back on more dangerous practices.
Because journalists and whistleblowers use Tails to expose abuse of power and activists use Tails to defend human rights and our planet, the more people use Tails, the better we are all protected.
In 2022, we focused on making it easier to install Tails and improving many existing features, instead of adding new features. Here are some highlights.
Our work is only possible thanks to the donations of our many supporters. In 2020–2022, [[donations from passionate people like you|donate]] represented 76% of our income. This is the best proof of the value of our work and our biggest motivation.
The biggest change is still to come as we will release a complete redesign of the Persistent Storage in Tails 5.8 (December 20). You can already test the new Persistent Storage in [[Tails 5.8~beta1|test_5.8-beta1]].
The Persistent Storage hadn't changed much since its first release in 2012 because the code was hard to modify and improve. But, we learned from users that the Persistent Storage could do a lot more for you if it had more features and was easier to use.
*Kleopatra* replaced the *OpenPGP Applet* and the *Password and Keys* utility, also known as *Seahorse*, which were not actively developed anymore and had many issues.
[[!img version_5.5/thunderbird_102.png link="no" alt="Thunderbird composer window with encryption turned on and notification about a missing key and how to resolve the issue."]]