*Kleopatra* replaced the *OpenPGP Applet* and the *Password and Keys* utility, also known as *Seahorse*, which were not actively developed anymore and had many issues.
[[!img version_5.5/thunderbird_102.png link="no" alt="Thunderbird composer window with encryption turned on and notification about a missing key and how to resolve the issue."]]
We conducted usability tests of the *Tor Connection* assistant in France and Brazil with people who were new to Tails to identify issues in complicated cases: when connecting to Tor is blocked by censorship or a captive portal.
We fixed [28 usability issues](https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/?sort=closed_desc&state=closed&label_name%5B%5D=C%3ATor%20Connection&first_page_size=20)identified during these tests. For example:
The *Tor Connection* assistant now automatically fixes the computer clock if you choose to connect to Tor automatically. This makes it much easier for people in Asia to circumvent censorship.
We made it easier to open the *Unsafe Browser* to sign in to a network. This makes it much easier to use Tails on public networks in airports, libraries, and so on.
It's pretty basic. We still want to do something better in [[!tails_ticket 7049]], but we didn't want to wait more because we know that backups are a big issue for our users.