Tails includes an automatic mechanism to upgrade a USB stick to the latest version of Tails. When an automatic upgrade is performed, only an *upgrade package* is downloaded. The upgrade package contains all the changes made to Tails since Tails was first installed or was last manually upgraded.
To check which version of Tails you are currently running, choose <span class="menuchoice"> <span class="guimenu">Applications</span> ▸ <span class="guisubmenu">Tails</span> ▸ <span class="guimenuitem">About Tails</span></span>.
After starting Tails and connecting to Tor, <span class="application">Tails Upgrader</span> automatically checks if upgrades are available and then proposes you to upgrade your USB stick. The upgrades are checked for and downloaded through Tor.
<p>If you cannot upgrade at startup (for example, if you have no network connection by then), you can start <span class="application">Tails Upgrader</span> later by opening a terminal and executing the following command:</p>
You want to upgrade by cloning from another TailsUSB stick which is already up-to-date, for example, when working offline or with a slow Internet connection.