We had written and adopted a [[Code of Conduct|contribute/working_together/code_of_conduct]] since our first public hackfest in Paris in 2014. This code was andis meant as a guide to make our public spaces welcoming and friendly to every sentient being.
The Tails Social Contract is a set of commitments that we as contributors to the Tails project stand by. This work is derived from the Debian Social Contract and the Tor Social Contract. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email: <tails-project@boum.org>.
Whenever severe security issues are reported to us in private, we will test them and ensure we promptly fix these issues. We will notify our users whenever such an issue has been reported to us. However, for the security of our users, we might not disclose such a severe issue before releasing a fix.
We encourage users to inform themselves and decide if Tailsis suitable for their use case and how much they can trust it. We work diligently to keep our community up-to-date through our various communication channels about the current state of our software and its limitations. We encourage users to read our documentation as well as third-party documentation in order to make an informed decision and engage in a learning process about the tools we ship.