<li> <p class="windows upgrade-windows linux expert installpc-clone upgrade-clone upgrade-tails upgrade-linux">If <p>If the Boot Menu appears but your USB stick is not listed in the Boot Menubut the Boot Loader does not appear, or if Tails fails to start after the Boot Loader:</p> <p class="mac mac-clone upgrade-mac">If your USB stick appears i:</p> <ol> <li><p>Wait 2–3 minutes and try again. Some USB sticks need some rest after installing.</p></li> <li><p>Try all other USB ports on the list of startup disks but the Boot Loader does not appear, or if Tails fails to start after the Boot Loader:</pcomputer. Some USB ports cannot be used to start from.</p></li> </ol> </li>
<li class="windows upgrade-windows linux expert pc-clone upgrade-clone upgrade-tails upgrade-linux"> <p>If the Boot Menu appears but your USB stick is not listed in the Boot Menu:</p> <ol> <li><p>Wait 2–3 minutes and try again. Some USB sticks need some rest after installing.</p></li> <li><p>Try all other USB ports on the computer. Some USB ports cannot be used to start from.</p></li> </ol> </li>
<divh1 id="tails" class="trophystep windows linux macexpert"">Welcome to Tails!</h1>
<h1 id="tails" class="step windows linux mac">Welcome to Tails!</h1>
1.In the Welcome Screen, select your language and keyboard layout in the <span class="guilabel">Language & Region</spanb>Language and Formats</b> section. Click <span class="bold"b>Start Tails</spanb>.