On the same day Tails 0.10 was put out, our website started to use a commercial SSL certificate. This new certificate replaces the previous one that was delivered by the non-commercial [CACert certificate authority](http://www.cacert.org/).
But this trust system has proven to be flawed in many ways. For example, during 2011, two certificate authorities were compromised, and many fake certificates were issued and used in the wild. See [Comodo: The Recent RA Compromise](https://blog.comodo.com/other/the-recent-ra-compromise/)and [The Tor Project: The DigiNotar Debacle, and what you should do about it](https://blog.torproject.org/blog/diginotar-debacle-and-what-you-should-do-about-it).
It is clear for us that getting an commercial SSL certificate is not enough to strongly authenticate our website, and for example authenticity of our releases.That's why we always propose you stronger ways of authenticating our Tailsrelease using OpenPGP signatures.