[[<i>Rufus</i> from Windows|install/windows#rufus]]
[[!img install/inc/screenshots/mac_startup_usb.png link="no" class="screenshot" alt="Screen with the logo of an internal hard disk labeled 'Macintosh HD' and an external hard disk labelled 'Windows' (selected)"]]
[[!img install/inc/screenshots/mac_startup_usb.png link="no" class="screenshot" alt="Screen with the logo of an internal hard disk labeled 'Macintosh HD' and an external hard disk labelled 'Windows' (selected)"]]
[[!img install/inc/screenshots/grub.png link="noclass="screenshot" alt="Black screen ('GNU GRUB') with Tails logo and 23 options: 'Tails' and 'Tails (Troubleshooting Mode)' and 'Tails (External Hard Disk)'."]]
[[!img install/inc/screenshots/grub.png class="screenshot" alt="Black screen ('GNU GRUB') with Tails logo and 3 options: 'Tails' and 'Tails (Troubleshooting Mode)' and 'Tails (External Hard Disk)'."]]