[[<i>Rufus</i> from Windows|install/windows#rufus]]
Immediately press-and-hold the <span class="keycap">Option</span> key (<span class="keycap">⌥</span> or <span class="keycap">Alt</span> key) when the startup chimesound is played.
Immediately press-and-hold the <span class="keycap">Option</span> key (<span class="keycap">⌥</span> or <span class="keycap">Alt</span> key) when the startup sound is played.
Hold the key pressed until a list of possible startup disks appears.
[[!img install/inc/screenshots/mac_startup_usb.png link="no" class="screenshot" alt="Screen with the logo of an internal hard disk labeled 'Macintosh HD' and an external hard disk labelled 'Windows' (selected)"]]
[[!img install/inc/screenshots/mac_startup_usb.png link="no" class="screenshot" alt="Screen with the logo of an internal hard disk labeled 'Macintosh HD' and an external hard disk labelled 'Windows' (selected)"]]
Turn on your Mac, then press and hold <strong>Command(⌘)+R</strong> immediately after you see the Apple logo. Your Mac starts up from <a href="https://support.apple.com/kb/HT201314">macOS Recovery</a>.
To still protect your Mac from starting on untrusted external media, you can set a firmware password, available on macOS Mountain Lion or later. A firmware password prevents users who do not have the password from starting up from any media other than the designated startup disk.
<strong>If you forget your firmware password you will require an in-person service appointment with an Apple Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider.</strong>
[[!img install/inc/screenshots/grub.png link="noclass="screenshot" alt="Black screen ('GNU GRUB') with Tails logo and 23 options: 'Tails' and 'Tails (Troubleshooting Mode)' and 'Tails (External Hard Disk)'."]]
[[!img install/inc/screenshots/grub.png class="screenshot" alt="Black screen ('GNU GRUB') with Tails logo and 3 options: 'Tails' and 'Tails (Troubleshooting Mode)' and 'Tails (External Hard Disk)'."]]
The <b>Troubleshooting Mode</b> entry disables some features of the Linuxkernel and might work better on some computers. You can try this option if you think you are experiencing hardware compatibility errors while starting Tails.
The <b>External Hard Disk</b> entry makes it possible to [[start from an external hard disk|doc/advanced_topics/external_hard_disk]] and some [[problematic USB sticks|support/known_issues#problematic-usb-stick]].