As the logo will be used in quite different places, we encourage you to submit complementary materials. These are not strict requirements but will help us evaluate your proposal better. Besides, if your logo is chosen, we will need them anyway before we are able to put it to use publicly.
A splash screen for boot. Must be 640x480px with a black background, 8-bit/RGBA. It has to be distinguishable by the user as Tails, but discrete enough not to attract too much attention from other people around.
**31st of March**: Deadline for sending proposals to <>. No attachments to the email, but link to a public place where we can find your work.
**15th of April**: All the complementary materials have to be ready so we have time to include them in Tails 1.0. The designer of the winning logo is strongly encouraged to do this work, before or after the deadline for proposals.