[*virt-manager*](http://virt-manager.org/) is a Free Software virtualization solution for Linux. *virt-manager* has a more complex interface than *GNOME Boxes* but it also has a more complete set of features.
<p><i>virt-manager</i> is the only virtualization solution that allows to use a Persistent Storage. See [[running Tails from a USB image|virt-manager#usb_image]].</p>
*virt-manager* is based on a set of lower level virtualization tools, going from the user interface to the hardware interactions with the processor. This terminology is a bit confusing and other documentation might mention the following tools:
To create a new virtual machine, choose <span class="menuchoice"><span class="guimenu">File</span> ▸ <span class="guimenuitem">New Virtual Machine</span></span>.
If you get the error message "<span class="guilabel">Error starting domain: Requested operation is not valid: network 'default' is not active</span>", then try to start the default virtual network:
<ol> <li>Click on <span class="guilabel">QEMU/KVM - Not Connected</span>.</li> <li>Choose <span class="menuchoice"> <span class="guimenu">Edit</span> ▸ <span class="guimenuitem">Connection details</span></span> to administer the connection to your local <span class="application">QEMU</span> system.</li> <li>Click on <span class="guilabel">Virtual Networks</span> tab, then select the <span class="guilabel">default</span> virtual network in the left pane.</li> <li>Click on the [[!img lib/media-playback-start.png alt="Start Network" link=no class=symbolic]] icon on the bottom of the left pane to start the default virtual network.</li> </ol>