Component List
Translation components API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
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}}", "add_message": "Added translation using Weblate ({{ language_name }})\n\n", "delete_message": "Deleted translation using Weblate ({{ language_name }})\n\n", "merge_message": "Merge branch '{{ component_remote_branch }}' into Weblate.\n\n", "addon_message": "Update translation files\n\nUpdated by \"{{ addon_name }}\" hook in Weblate.\n\nTranslation: {{ project_name }}/{{ component_name }}\nTranslate-URL: {{ url }}", "pull_message": "Translations update from {{ site_title }}\n\nTranslations update from [{{ site_title }}]({{ site_url }}) for [{{ project_name }}/{{ component_name }}]({{url}}).\n\n{% if component_linked_childs %}\nIt also includes following components:\n{% for linked in component_linked_childs %}\n* [{{ linked.project_name }}/{{ }}]({{ linked.url }})\n{% endfor %}\n{% endif %}\n\nCurrent translation status:\n\n\n", "allow_translation_propagation": true, "manage_units": false, "enable_suggestions": true, "suggestion_voting": true, "suggestion_autoaccept": 0, 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