This is because, in Tails, *Tor Browser* is confined using *[[!debwiki AppArmor]]* to protect your files from some types of attacks against *Tor Browser*.
For example, thanks to this confinement, even if an attacker manages to exploit a security vulnerability in *Tor Browser*, they wouldn't be able to access all the content of your Persistent Storage.
<p>This is why, for example, you might face <em>Permission denied</em> you get the following errors if you try to download files tothe <em>Home</em> another folder.:</p>
If you want to download a file from *Tor Browser*, save it to one of these folders.
-If you want to upload a files with <span class="application">Tor from *Tor Browser</span>, copy them to that folder first. *, copy it first to one of these folders.
If you want to upload a file from *Tor Browser*, copy it first to one of these folders.
To change the security level, click on the [[!img security-level.png class="symbolic" link="no"]] icon on the right of the address bar and choose <span class="guilabel">Advanced Security **Settings…</span>**.
To change the security level, click on the [[!img security-level.png class="symbolic" link="no"]] icon on the right of the address bar and choose **Settings…**.
To switch to a new identity, choose <span class="menuchoice"> <span class="guimenu">[[!img lib/open-menu.png alt=""Open Application Menu" class="symbolic" link="no"]]</span> ▸ <span class="guimenuitem"> ▸ **New Iidentity</span></span>**.