Since Tails is based on Debian, it takes advantage of all the work done by the Debian security team. As quoted from <>:
Since Tailsis based on Debian, it takes advantage of all the work done by the Debian security team. As quoted from <>:
> Experience has shown that "security through obscurity" does not work. Public disclosure allows for more rapid and better solutions to security problems. In that vein, this page addresses Debian's status with respect to various known security holvulnerabilities, which could potentially affect Debian.
> Experience has shown that "security through obscurity" does not work. Public disclosure allows for more rapid and better solutions to security problems. In that vein, this page addresses Debian's status with respect to various known security vulnerabilities, which could potentially affect Debian.
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[[!inline pages="page(security/*) and !security/*/* and tagged(security/fixed) and (currentlang() orand !security/Numerous_security_holes_in_*) and !security/known_security_vulnerabilities_in_*" actions=no archive=yes feeds=no show=10 sort="-meta(date) age -path"]]
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Other vulnerabilities solved in included applications
[[!inline pages="page(security/*) and !security/*/* and tagged(security/fixed) and (securrentlang()ity/Numerous_security_holes_in_* or security/Numerousknown_security_holvulnerabilities_in_*)" actions=no archive=yes feeds=no show=10 sort="-meta(date) age -path"]]
[[!inline pages="page(security/*) and !security/*/* and tagged(security/fixed) and (security/Numerous_security_holes_in_* or security/known_security_vulnerabilities_in_*)" actions=no archive=yes feeds=no show=10 sort="-meta(date) age -path"]]
<!-- Feed buttons used by config/chroot_local-includes/usr/local/bin/tails-security-check
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[[!inline pages="page(security/*) and !security/*/* and !security/fixed and !security/fixed.* and !security/fixed/* and currentlang()" actions=no archive=yes feedonly=yes show=10 sort="-meta(date) age -path"]]